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Theatre Classes

Theater Classes

Classes run 10 weeks.  The cost is $100 for the first child, and $75 for each additional sibling.  There are no classes on GISD holidays.

Students can bring a snack and drink to class.

Fall 2024

Ages 9 to 17 on Tuesdays 4:30-6:00PM beginning September 10

Advanced Class Ages 10-17 on Thursdays 4:30-6:00PM for students who have earned at least 4 credits beginning September 12
1 credit for each semester of BSP Youth Classes
1 credit for each week of BSP Youth Summer Camp
1 credit for each BSP Youth Theatre Production
*** Contact Shannon Rivoire at prior to registration for the Advanced Class.

Spring 2025 

Ages 9 to 17 on Tuesdays 4:30-6:00PM beginning Feb 11

Advanced Class Ages 10-17 on Thursdays 4:30-6:00PM beginning Feb 13 for students who have earned at least 4 credits
1 credit for each semester of BSP Youth Classes
1 credit for each week of BSP Youth Summer Camp
1 credit for each BSP Youth Theatre Production
*** Contact Shannon Rivoire at prior to registration for the Advanced Class.

Registration Form

Click on Registration Form below.  Complete the online form and pay your fee to complete registration.  The form will tell you the alternative ways to pay fees.


The Positive Impact of Theatre Education on Kids*

There are plenty of studies that show that the arts are an important part of boosting performance in all areas of life, including academics, yet these are the first programs that are cut from most schools. Unfortunately, all the benefits seem to get swept under the rug and forgotten, especially with all of the technological advances we have experienced.

Although we continue to embrace new technologies, holding on to the arts in all its forms, is vital in creating well rounded, confident and creative people. Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge”, which, when you think about it, is more true than ever before. To see how true it is, all you have to do is go onto the internet or download a new app to help you make something in your life easier. None of it would have been possible without imagination and creativity.

Theater training has so many benefits, especially for kids who are still trying to find a place in the world and figure out who they are and what gifts they have to share. Not convinced? Here are 7 ways that theater is beneficial for kids.


1.   Sparks Imagination – Creating new ideas, updating old ideas and interpreting them into something new takes creative energy and imagination.

2.   Builds Focus – Reading scripts and plays and practicing and performing them takes concentration and focus which transfers to all other areas of life, including school and sports.

3.   Improves Memory – In order to play a part, you need to know your lines. The process of learning the words and movements for the stage increase our ability to strengthen and use the memory muscle.

4.   Enhance Communication skills – Working with others increases both verbal and nonverbal communication. When working on a play or show, you learn to to articulate and project your voice, as well as to listen and observe.

5.   Empathy – Whenever you play a part, you are, in a sense, putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. You take on their thoughts, feelings, behaviors and viewpoints which helps you to understand them and their situation more clearly.

6.   Have Fun – Part of the process of creating includes learning and trying out ideas which often leads to humor, and laughter.

7.   Builds Self Confidence – Learning lines, studying characters, practicing and performing all help to build character and confidence. The student learns to trust their own instincts, ideas and abilities which they take to all aspects of their lives including school, jobs, relationships and challenges.

Theater training, as well as all of the arts, encourages engagement and learning and has a positive impact on emotional, physical and social development. Kids who participate in theater programs enjoy the many benefits it offers and will take those skills throughout their lives, making them more creative, confident and productive individuals. But the best part of getting involved in a theater program is that you meet great people who have similar interests. And it doesn’t hurt that it’s fun.

*Young Actors Theatre Camp